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Your monthly newsletter for November is here!

Applying for a mortgage? Here’s how to improve your chances

Perhaps it’s been a while since you moved, or you are a first-time buyer. Whatever situation you are in, if you are applying for a mortgage, you want to get your mortgage sorted so you can breathe a sigh of satisfaction, knowing that a major hurdle to home-buying has been cleared.

Take a look at your credit report
Having a good credit score is key to getting a mortgage. Make sure you are on the voting register. You may have a perfect credit history, but without it, you will fail. On that subject, make sure you pay any credit agreements you have on time. If there are some you can clear, perhaps this will increase your levels of affordability. Any credit cards that you don’t use could affect the amount you could borrow, so if you don’t need them and you have more than one, think about cancelling them.

The bigger your deposit, the better
Perhaps you are already living at home with parents or a relative and saving rapidly. It may not be ideal right now, but a bigger deposit will not only increase your chances of success but also reduce your monthly repayments. Then, when you finally get the keys to your very own home, your newfound freedom will feel even better.

Buy with your friend, partner, or family

Buying with your partner is an obvious choice for many, and moving to your own place is exciting as you furnish it and decorate it to the tastes of whoever has the final word! If you are not ready for such levels of commitment, then why not buy with a friend? Some lenders will allow you to buy with up to four people. Maybe you could pitch the idea to your parents as a property investment for them and move out more quickly!

Don’t change your job too often
If you are thinking of applying for a mortgage in the near future, changing your job is not a definite guarantee that you will not be successful. Having said that, your lender is looking for consistency. They want to see that you have been in employment for a decent amount of time, usually about three years, depending on the lender.

Get in touch with a mortgage advisor
A good mortgage advisor is worth every penny. Experts in understanding the market, they will have lots of tips and access to ways of buying your home. From improving your credit score to finding a tailored solution from the thousands of products that are available. If you are happy with your existing mortgage deal, you may decide to port your mortgage, which allows you to move with your existing mortgage. There are interest-only options for lower payments, guarantor mortgages, flexible mortgages so you can overpay or underpay, and buy-to-let options for investors. Offset mortgages allow you to link your savings to your mortgage by offsetting the value of your savings against the value of your mortgage amount. The right mortgage advisor can make a big difference in helping you get the keys to the home you want.

Thinking about moving home? Contact us to get started!

Here's how tochoose the best energy suppliers for your rental property

With the cold snap of winter at our heels and Christmas coming up, you want to save money on your energy bills where you can. One of the best ways to do this is to change your energy supplier. It may surprise you to know that if you are renting your home, you are perfectly entitled to do this if you pay the bills directly.

Check your tenancy agreement
It’s always vital to check your tenancy agreement. If your landlord has a clause regarding energy suppliers, simply inform your landlord that you have found a cheaper alternative. They will most likely be pleased, even if they are not responsible for the bills

Can your landlord charge you for energy?
Your landlord can’t charge you what they want for energy. There is a maximum resale price that landlords must adhere to. As a tenant, you should be charged the domestic rate per unit plus standing charges. Your gas or electric meter will record your usage and be the basis on which you will be charged, and that’s per unit.

Are you responsible for repairs?
When it comes to boilers, radiators, or your home’s fuse box, your landlord is responsible for repairs and maintenance. You or your landlord may be responsible for appliances, and the energy efficiency of your home largely depends on the specified energy rating awarded to them.

Energy Performance Certificates
Energy Performance Certificates will tell you how energy efficient your home is and give it a rating between A and G. A being the most energy efficient while G is the least energy efficient. If you rent through a letting agent, they will ensure this is taken care of before the property is available to rent. If you or your landlord add energy-efficient appliances, then this will improve your home’s energy rating.

Comparing energy supplier prices
Using a comparison website is a good way to find a cheaper alternative and could lead to cheaper energy bills. Listening out for a special offer or simply getting a few quotes could save you money.

How to switch energy suppliers
If you are considering changing your energy supplier, it’s important to check your previous bills. Comparison sites have an estimation tool. So, if you find out your usage from previous bills, you can get an accurate estimation to see how much you could save. Then get some more quotes and decide which energy supplier you want to choose. Remember to check with your landlord or letting agent. Once you have done this, it is a good idea to check your account balance with your old supplier. They could owe you money.

The benefits
The high cost of living still creates challenges, this forces us to reexamine how much we spend. It’s no secret that rents are rising. But the right energy-saving strategies, combined with the benefits of living in a good property, allow you to enjoy your home while refocusing your budget. Whether that's by cooking great fresh food, entertaining your friends, or enjoying energy-efficient, cosy, nights in.

Are you looking for a better home to rent? Get in touch.

It's been emotional! Learning to let go of your old home

It’s easy to become attached to a home that most likely made so many happy memories, and perhaps some that are not so good. Either way, the best way to move on in every sense of the word is to focus on the future. But if you find the entire process daunting, here are a few things you can do as a coping strategy.

Celebrate the past, but don’t dwell on it
Saying goodbye is important, and how you choose to do it is up to you. Maybe you are emotionally detached, and a simple walk around your home as you close the door for the final time will suffice. On the other hand, you may want to build up to this process over time, saying goodbye over a period of weeks. Savouring so many nice memories is important, but there will also be a big part of you that can’t wait to move. Especially if you are moving to a bigger and better home.

Keep yourself busy
This is the secret to moving on with most things in life, and moving home is no different. Write an action plan for moving. Break it down into categories. Include everything from moving day to things to do in your new home. Bring the vision of your new life to reality by starting new traditions. Think about the details of how you can make your new home the best version of itself while getting to know your home's new location. Begin the de-cluttering process of your current home now; it will reduce your stress levels significantly.

Accept that change is good
The ability to change is hard-wired into most of us and a natural part of life, so you will be more adept at coping with it than you realise. Embrace the exciting emotions that a new home brings by looking forward to the great memories you will make in the future. Your home will inspire so many positive feelings, from how it makes you feel to its improved energy efficiency or location. Look forward to your first sleep in your new home and allow the vision of your new outdoor space, bedrooms, or kitchen to take over.

Remember, your agent is human
Good estate agents help you understand the buying process. This makes your entire moving journey less hassle, so you can plan each step. Because of this, your friendly estate agent can be a great source of emotional support. Putting your mind at rest with a thorough understanding of your big move. And connecting you with good mortgage advisors and conveyancers, guiding you on asking and selling prices and preparing your home for sale, your estate agent is your rock when moving.

In today’s world, with increasing automation and the advent of artificial intelligence and online-only agents, it’s easy to forget the importance of the human element, which offers so much support. Moving home does not have to be complicated, even if we humans are!
Are you looking forward to saying hello to a new home? Get in touch today.

Landlords, rents have risen again!

If you are trying to increase the number of properties in your portfolio, now may be the ideal time to do so. The current market is looking increasingly advantageous for landlords as a growing number of cities are surpassing an average monthly rent price of £1,000.*

Latest rental price inflation figures
Residential rentals for new tenancies have seen a 10.3% increase from September 2022, reaching a new average rate of £1,164 per month.* The average yearly rental payment is now £13,970, which is a £1,320 increase compared to last year.*

Which locations are most affected?
In 2023, the average monthly rent for new tenancies in nine locations, including Cardiff, Southampton, and York, exceeded £1,000.* Another city that is anticipated to be added to this list by the end of 2023 is Manchester, which has an average rent price of £996 per month at the present time.* Because of the high prices in London, surrounding places in the South-East are in high demand. As a result, the average price of a month's rent has increased to more than £1,000 in cities and towns such as Southend-on-Sea, Luton, and Colchester.* The rate of rental inflation in Scotland is even greater than the national average, coming in at 12.8%.* The typical monthly rent north of the border is now £750, representing a jump of £90 compared to last year.*

What factors are contributing to rising rental costs? There are a variety of factors that have contributed to rental inflation in recent times. Since the pandemic, there has been a lack of properties available for rent, which has led to a rise in rental prices. The rise in the cost of mortgages has pushed more individuals into the rental market, which has resulted in an increase in the overall demand for housing, which therefore contributes to price increases. Rising property values may also contribute to an increase in rent prices. A rise in utility and maintenance bills is another factor that contributes to rental price inflation. Landlords are forced to charge their tenants more money in order to cover the ever-increasing costs of their bills.

Why should you invest now?
The current pace of rental inflation is just one of the numerous reasons why now is the best time to develop your property portfolio. The potential to boost your finances through the ownership of rental property increases as average rent prices soar. Higher rental prices can lead to a greater return on investment. Additionally, if you decide in a few years that you want to sell one of your properties, you will be able to get a higher price for it because of the growth in average property value. Overall, the market is looking extremely lucrative for landlords right now.

Interested in expanding your property portfolio? Contact us today.

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Garage Nation Hatfield

Garage Nation returns to the brand new The Forum Hertfordshire for Hertfordshire's Christmas UK Garage Party!

Click here to read Garage Nation Hatfield.