With the cold snap of winter at our heels and Christmas coming up, you want to save money on your energy bills where you can. One of the best ways to do this is to change your energy supplier. It may surprise you to know that if you are renting your home, you are perfectly entitled to do this if you pay the bills directly.
Check your tenancy agreement It’s always vital to check your tenancy agreement. If your landlord has a clause regarding energy suppliers, simply inform your landlord that you have found a cheaper alternative. They will most likely be pleased, even if they are not responsible for the bills
Can your landlord charge you for energy?
Your landlord can’t charge you what they want for energy. There is a maximum resale price that landlords must adhere to. As a tenant, you should be charged the domestic rate per unit plus standing charges. Your gas or electric meter will record your usage and be the basis on which you will be charged, and that’s per unit.
Are you responsible for repairs?
When it comes to boilers, radiators, or your home’s fuse box, your landlord is responsible for repairs and maintenance. You or your landlord may be responsible for appliances, and the energy efficiency of your home largely depends on the specified energy rating awarded to them.
Energy Performance Certificates
Energy Performance Certificates will tell you how energy efficient your home is and give it a rating between A and G. A being the most energy efficient while G is the least energy efficient. If you rent through a letting agent, they will ensure this is taken care of before the property is available to rent. If you or your landlord add energy-efficient appliances, then this will improve your home’s energy rating.
Comparing energy supplier prices
Using a comparison website is a good way to find a cheaper alternative and could lead to cheaper energy bills. Listening out for a special offer or simply getting a few quotes could save you money.
How to switch energy suppliers
If you are considering changing your energy supplier, it’s important to check your previous bills. Comparison sites have an estimation tool. So, if you find out your usage from previous bills, you can get an accurate estimation to see how much you could save. Then get some more quotes and decide which energy supplier you want to choose. Remember to check with your landlord or letting agent. Once you have done this, it is a good idea to check your account balance with your old supplier. They could owe you money.
The benefits
The high cost of living still creates challenges, this forces us to reexamine how much we spend. It’s no secret that rents are rising. But the right energy-saving strategies, combined with the benefits of living in a good property, allow you to enjoy your home while refocusing your budget. Whether that's by cooking great fresh food, entertaining your friends, or enjoying energy-efficient, cosy, nights in.